
The possible use-cases for analysis of brain data are almost unlimited. Brainamics identified a particular interesting use-case: Extracting emotions from the human brain. After winning prizes at hackathons and the TUM IDEAward 2021, Brainamics went live and started applying the technology in the gaming industry.

Brainamics introduces the first and only objective playtesting. Using EEG and ML, we provide the deepest possible insights into the psychology and user experience of gamers. With that data, developers can observe exactly what gamers felt during every single second of a game. Traditionally, developers are limited to highly subjective feedback from gamers and are hence missing the necessary insights to build AAA games.

After starting the EXIST Gründerstipendium and founding a GmbH in February 2022, Brainamics went on to secure pre-seed funding. In the upcoming months Brainamics plans to expand its research and dive deeper into topics related to emotion extraction and BCI.


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